Tuscarora Trail Sections 14-16

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Section 14: Gainesboro

 Siler, VA to Gore, VA, 11.1 miles.

PATC Map L, Guide to the South Half of the Tuscarora Trail

Max Elevation: 990 ft.  Min Elevation: 600 ft.


Access: The trail can be accessed from both the southern and northern termini of section 14:

Siler, VA. Va Route 600 and 690 (39.351, -78.240)

US Route 50, limited shoulder parking (39.268, -78.314).

Additional Road Access:

Va Route 698, Basore Ridge Shelter access (39.323, -78.258).

Advisory: Note, the Basore's Ridge portion of Section 14 is currently closed. The trail has been rerouted onto Va 689, Adams Rd. 

Camping: Basore Ridge Shelter (39.324, -78.255)

wooden structure in forest

Pinnacle Overlook

Section 15: Devils Backbone

Gore, VA to West Virginia State Line, 10.4 miles

PATC Map L, Guide to the South Half of the Tuscarora Trail

Max Elevation:  2515 ft.  Min Elevation: 670 ft.

Highlights: Pinnacle overlook

Access: The trail can be accessed from the northern terminus of section 15:

US Route 50, limited shoulder parking (39.268, -78.314).

No direct access to southern terminus, but can be accessed from the Lucas Woods side trail with road access at WV 23/2 (39.183,-78.432)

Additional trail connections in section 15: Gore Connector Trail, Biby Wilderness Trail, Fry Path, Lucas Woods Trail.

Advisory:  Section Updates

Camping:  Barclays Run Shelter (39.253, -78.319)Pinnacle Shelter (39.193, -78.3815), Pinnacle Camp (39.193,-78.385), Lucas Woods Hiker Camp (39.177, -78.409).

Section 16: Capon Springs 

 West Virginia State Line to Dry Gap, 7.8 miles.

PATC Map L, Guide to the South Half of the Tuscarora Trail

Max Elevation: 2850 ft.  Min Elevation: 2105 ft

Highlights:  Eagle Rock overlook

Access: The trail can be accessed from the southern terminus of section 16:

Capon Springs Road, Route 609 (39.110,-78.478).

No direct access to northern  terminus, but can be accessed from the Lucas Woods side trail with road access at WV 23/2 (39.183,-78.432).

Advisory:  Trail follows easements on private property, stay on trail at all times, no camping.

Links: Capon Springs Resort

yellow and green forested mountains
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