Current Volunteer Opportunities

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Outdoor Opportunities (For those who want to get some dirt under their nails)

Corridor Monitors

PATC has responsibility for NPS corridor lands from Pine Grove Furnace State Park (Pennsylvania) to Rock Fish Gap (Virginia).
Corridor Monitors are responsible for patrolling their assigned section on a regular basis, placing appropriate signs, and filing reports for ATC and PATC. 

The Monitors must be familiar with special use permits, reserved rights, conditions of easements, and other factors that regulate the use of corridor lands acquired by NPS. Monitors report changes in land use, damage from natural causes, and threats to scenic, cultural, or historical features contained within their assigned sections. Corridor Monitors must be able to navigate the corridors safely. 


Fox Gap ~ MD [PATC Map 5-6]

Duke Hollow ~ VA North Trail District [PATC map 8]

Ashby Gap North, VA South Trail District [PATC map 8]

Hightop Mtn., SNP South Trail District [PATC map 11]

Contact Tom Lupp 301/663-6644,

Shelter Maintainers

PATC maintains over 30 backpacking shelters along the Appalachian Tail and the Tuscarora Trail. Shelter maintainers make sure the shelter is clean and safe. Work may include construction, weeding, trail/spring management and tent site/fireplace maintenance. The Shelter Maintainer may work with larger crews for bigger projects (usually major construction). 

Shelter Maintainers must be able to transport tools and materials to the shelter by foot. Most shelters do not have nearby vehicles access. 


Rocky Run Shelter [Original] ~ PATC Map 5-5

Spruce Pine Campground ~ PATC map L

Paul Gerhard Shelter ~ PATC map F              `

Contact Henry Horn ~ 301/498-8254,

Trail Maintainers

Trail maintainers are responsible for keeping their trail segments in optimal condition for hikers. Duties of a trail maintainer include blazing, erosion control, weeding, pruning, obstruction removal (e.g. blowdowns), trash clean up and invasive species control. The trail maintainer works with the district manager to coordinate activities that require a larger or specialized team. The trail maintainer files work trip reports for each day of maintenance activity. 

Trail maintainers must be able to hike safely to their trail segments, often with tools. Usually, a trail maintainer will visit their section 3-4 times are year.


Ashby/Rte.50 to SNP Boundary AT & Blue blazed ~ Map 8, 9

Tom Floyd Wayside & Spring ~ AT to Tom Floyd Wayside, tent sites, & Ginger Spring (.45mi)

Contact Jon Rindt: 540-635-6351, and Maston Gray: 703-408-8020,

SNP South District Blue blazed ~ Map 11

Brown Mountain - Brown Mountain Summit to Big Run Portal Trail (3.5 mi)

Gap Run Trail - Junction of Rocky Mount Summit Trail to bottom of Gap Run (1.50mi)

One Mile Run Trail - Two Mile Run Overlook to 7th stream crossing (1.80 mi)

Doyles River Trail - Doyles River Trail Parking to Jones Run Junction (2.20 mi)

Contact James Surdukoski, 434-459-1122,

SNP Central District Appalachian Trail ~ Map 10

AT ~ Passamasquoddy Trail to Skyland Stables (1.7mi)

AT ~ Spitler Knoll Overlook to Fishers Gap (1.3mi)

AT ~ Bearfence Rock Scramble to Slaughter Horse Trail (1.1mi)

Contact Mike Hiller 202-253-6417, and  Scott Christensen (904) 771-6867,

Pennsylvania Tuscarora ~ Maps J & K

PA Tuscarora [J] ~ Fowler Hollow shelter to Hemlock Rd (2.2mi)

PA Tuscarora [J] ~ Mountain Rd. to Jct. PA 641 (6.2mi)

Contact Chris Firme, 717-794-2855,, Dave Trone, 717-778-1308,, and Pete Brown 410-207-2921,


Tuscarora Central ~ Map L

Tuscarora Trail~ Burnt Mill Bridge to Lutkins Passage (3.2mi)

Tuscarora Trail ~ Lutkins Passage to Meadow Branch (1.7mi)

Tuscarora Trail ~ Meadow Branch to Eagles Nest Parking (2.2mi)

Tuscarora Trail ~ Eagles Nest Mt. Parking Lot to Meadow Branch Trail (3mi)

Tuscarora Trail ~ Larrick Overlook to Lucas Woods Trail (2mi)

Tuscarora Trail ~ Sleepy Creek Registration to Hampshire Grade

Road (5.6mi)

Tuscarora Trail ~ Hampshire Grade Road to High Rock (2.7mi)

Tuscarora Trail ~ Co ~ Lucus Woods Trail to Powerline (3.5mi)

Tuscarora Trail ~ Co ~ Powerline to Dry Gap (3.5mi)

Devils Nose Connector Trail ~ Devils Nose Parking Area to Tuscarora Trail (.5mi)

Spruce Pine Hollow Shelter Trail ~T-trail to T-trail (0.2mi)

Spruce Pine Hollow Trail ~ Tuscarora Trail to Spruce Pine Hollow Park Trailhead (.10mi)

Tuscarora South ~ Map F, G, 9

Tuscarora Trail ~ Ridgecrest to Fetzer Gap (3.1mi)

Tuscarora Trail ~ Massanutten Trail to Sidewinder Trail (2.6mi)

Contact Bill Greenan,


SNP North District Blue blazed ~ Map 9

Jeremys Run Trail (upper) ~ AT to 8th Ford of Jeremys Run (2.7mi)

Jeremys Run Trail (middle) ~Co~ 8th Ford of Jeremys Run to junction Knob Mt. & Neighbor Mt. Trail (2.7mi)

Piney Branch Trail (upper) ~Co~ AT to Power line (2.2mi) (bottom needs help)
Piney Branch Trail (middle) ~ Power line to Hull School Trail (2.2mi)

Fork Mountain Trail ~Co~Piney Ridge Trail to Hull School Trail (1.1 mi)

Contact Tom Moran, (703) 715-0050,

Massanutten North - Map G

Massanutten Trail ~ VA 678 to Ft. Valley Overlook (2.2mi)

Massanutten Trail ~ 7-Bar-None Trail to Bear Trap Trail (2.7mi)

Massanutten Trail ~ Bear Trap Trail to Rte. 675 (2.2mi)

Contact Anstr Davidson, (703) 402-6711,


Massanutten South ~ Map H

Masanutten South Trail ~ Pitt Spring to Morgan Run Trail (1.4 m FR 65) (3.3mi)

Massanutten South Trail ~ Morgan Run Trail to Fridley Gap Trail (2.3mi)

Roaring Run Trail ~ Catherine Furnace to TV Tower Road (3.8mi)

Pitt Spring Lookout Trail ~ Massanutten South Trail to lookout point (.27mi)

Contact Paul Boisen, (540) 246-5662,

Great North Mountain ~ Map F

North Mt. Trail ~ Stack Rock Trail to VA 720 (4.3mi)

Stack Rock Trail ~ Forest Rd 252 to North Mt. Trail (1.5mi)

Long Mountain Trail ~ Trout Pond Trail to FR 1621 (4.4mi)

Big Schloss Trail ~ 2.3 Mile Marker of Mill Mt. Trail to Big Schloss View (.3mi)

Mill Mt. Trail ~ Wolf Gap to Big Schloss Cutoff Trail (2.8mi)

Gerhard Shelter Trail ~ Tuscarora Trail to Vances Cove (1.5mi)

Contact Mike Allen, 540-333-3994,


North River Map-National Geographic Trails Illustrated #791

Trimble Mountain Trail ~ Co ~ FR 95 to FR 95 (4 mi)

Bear Draft ~ FR 535 to Wild Oak Trail sec C (#716)(1.5mi)

Contact Lynn & Malcolm Cameron, (540) 234-6273,


MD C&O Canal Palisades ~ Map D 

Billy Goat C Trail (Carderock) ~Towpath (S of mile marker 11) to Towpath (S of mile marker 10)(1.6mi)

Contact Jim LaTorre, (703) 819-0947,

Indoor Opportunities (For those who like central air)

 (contact if interested)

Event Planners- PATC will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2027 and we need to start planning the festivities now! We need motivated individuals to help us dream up and plan a year’s worth of public and private events, educational and outreach initiatives, and the greatest 100th birthday party of all time! Much of this work can be done remotely and in collaboration with other like-minded volunteers. 

Financial Advisors- Current and retired investment professionals are needed to serve on PATC’s Endowment committees. Knowledgeable individuals who can help PATC build on our long tradition of sound and sustainable financial management and growth. Meetings are held in-person or virtually every one to three months. 

Librarian/Library Aides- Did you know that PATC has its very own library at our headquarters in Vienna? We are looking for booklovers to help us re-organize and determine if and how we can make these resources more available and useful to our members. 

Space Organizers/Interior Designers- Did you know that PATC’s headquarters has over 7,000sf of office space?! The headquarters building is currently used for staff offices, houses the PATC store and cabin reservations desk, the archive, and provides meeting space for various internal and partner organization meetings throughout the year. However, our home away from the trails is starting to show its age and (like so many office buildings) has been somewhat underutilized since the pandemic. We could use new eyes (and ideas) to help us figure out how to revitalize the space and make better use of this important resource. 

Clerical/Admin Support- Do you want to support the work and mission of PATC, but prefer your volunteer work to include the comforts of central air and a cozy desk chair? The PATC staff are frequently in need of volunteers to assist with all kinds of administrative tasks and projects; such as sorting and updating files, helping with mail/packages in the store or cabin reservation desk, contacting new and lapsed members, and much more. Various opportunities can be completed either at headquarters, working alongside our dedicated staff, or even done from the comfort of your own home. 

Fundraisers/Friendraisers- Many of our members don’t realize that as a 501c3 non-profit organization, between 20-25% of PATC’s annual budget is covered by contributions from our generous donors and through corporate and government grants. We are always looking for volunteers who have the experience or even just the drive to help us develop and maintain the strategies and relationships needed to support our fundraising efforts. (These funds are a large part of what allow PATC to continue serving our mission and keep our membership and program dues as low as possible.) 

Ambassadors/Spokespeople- Are you an extrovert who just enjoys talking with new people? Our newly elected Supervisor of Outreach is excited to begin rebuilding PATC’s long tradition of Trailtalkers. Trailtalkers are PATC’s official ambassadors. These outgoing and charismatic folks attend public festivals, expos, and other events throughout our service area (both in the DC area and beyond) to help spread the word about our mission and share all of the amazing things that PATC has to offer to prospective members and the community at large. 

Writers/Editors/Photographers/Videographers- With the recent transition of the Potomac Appalachian (PA) newsletter from a print to digital format, the sky is now the limit for the kind and amount of new and exciting content that we can share with our readers. Whether you would be interested in doing interviews with fascinating hikers and volunteers, creating feature articles or photo/video profiles on the best trails, landmarks, or cabins within the PATC territory, or have another exciting new idea or story that you want to share, we would love to have you join the team of passionate volunteers who help gather, write, and publish the content for our monthly PA.

Marketing Specialist 

Proficiency in marketing tools and platforms, including social media management tools, email marketing software, CRM’s, online store administration and analytics dashboards. 

  • Knowledge of Marketing: principles and understanding of marketing concepts, strategies, and best practices 
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Ability to identify and resolve marketing challenges and optimize campaigns for better performance.   
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