Elected Officers (ExCom)
President - Jim Fetig
Vice President for Operations - Lee Congdon
Vice President for Volunteerism - Jayne Mayne
Supervisor of Trails - Rush Williamson
Supervisor of Lands - Russell Riggs
Supervisor of Marketing - Chris Irick
Supervisor of Facilities - Anstr Davidson
Supervisor of Membership - Anne Brown
Supervisor of Outreach - Christopher Ede-Calton
Supervisor of Communications - Kyle Schut
Treasurer - Allison Kirsch
Secretary - Lynn Murphy
Chapter Presidents
Blue Ridge Chapter - Dani DeHart
Charlottesville Chapter - Mark Perschel
North Chapter - Dee Utz
Southern Shenandoah Valley Chapter - Pam Heinrich
Special Interest Section Presidents
Mountaineering - Alexander Ovodenko
Ski Touring Section - Steve Jarvis
Standing Committee Chairs
Cabins Operations - Justin Corddry
Conservation - Lowell Smith
Hikes - Iva Gillet
Lands Acquisition - Phil Paschall
Shelters - Henry Horn
Trail Patrol - Curtis Bailey
Appointed Officers with Council Vote
ATCMid-Atlantic Regional Partnership - Dan Hippe
ATC Central and Southwest Virginia Regional Partnership - John Hedrick
AT Corridor
Management - Thom Lupp
Maryland AT Management
- Thom Lupp
Meet with Council and ExCom (without Vote)
General Counsel - VACANT
Staff Director - Evan Hoffmann
The headquarters building is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (closed Federal holidays). Individual Staff Member hours vary.
Staff Director
Evan Hoffmann
(703) 242-0315, x-105
Cabin and Lands Coordinator
Ben Danforth
(703) 242-0315, x-108
Finance Coordinator
Katie Rose
(703) 242-0315, x-106
Accounting Assistant
Jenny Keehan
(703) 242-0315, x-104
Communications Coordinator
Jess LaPolla
703-242-0315, x-101
Membership and IT Coordinator
Mary Flowers
(703) 242-0315, x-109
Marketing and Outreach Coordinator
Diane Yang
(703) 242-0315, x-103
Trails Management Coordinator
Heidi Forrest
(703) 242-0315, x-107
Bears Den Trail Center
Glen Breining - Manager
(540) 554-8708
Cabins Construction and Major Repairs - Bruce Berberick
Cabin Reservation Committee - Anstr Davidson
Endowment - Charlie Balch
Finance - Joe Lombardo
GPS Rangers - Jim Tomlin
Headquarters - John Hedrick
Information Technology Steering - Lee Congdon
LandManagement - Russell Riggs
GIS - Chris Mangold and Jeff Monroe
Publications - Emeline Otey
Tuscarora Trail - H Shindle
Blackburn Trail Center Committee - John Hedrick
Public Relations Committee - Kyle Schut
Archivist - Mills Kelly
Natural Resource Advisor - Rob Lamar
Potomac Appalachian Editor - Richard Stromberg
Potomac Appalachian Newsletter:
- Richard Stromberg
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