Trail Agreements + Forms

Agreement List
(Microsoft Excel Workbook)

ATC Agreements

NPS APPA ATC Cooperative Agreement
Agreement for Sponsored Voluntary Services Appalachian Trail
Agreement for Sponsored Voluntary Services Amendment to Add A.T. Club of Hagerstown
Appalachian National Scenic Trail Agreement for the Use of Lands for Trail Purposes between United States Department of the Interior and Smithsonian Institution

Agreement for the ANST in the Commonwealth of PA
Memorandum of Understanding for the Appalachian National Scenic Trail in the State of Maryland
Memorandum of Understanding for the ANST in VA
Memorandum of Agreement between The NPS, Department of the Interior and the State of West Virginia Concerning the Appalachian National Scenic Trail

Agreement for the ANST in the C and O NHP
Agreement for the ANST in the Harpers Ferry NHP
NPS Changes to the National Chainsaw Saw Program
MOU between USDA Forest Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service; and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy for Chainsaws and Crosscut Saws

  Trail Safe! Training
Incidents Guide
Volunteer Injury Packet
Emergency Response Plan

Agreements in Pennsylvania

Agreement between the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy and the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club

Agreement between the Florence Jones Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary and the Potomac Appalachian Trail C

Agreements in Maryland

Agreement for Antietam National Battlefield Park

Agreement for the Palisades District of the C&O Canal National HP
Agreement between the Monocacy Natural Resources Management Area and PATC
Catoctin Mtn NP Chainsaw Directive.pdf

Agreements in Virginia
Bull Run Occoquan Trail
George Washington Memorial Parkway
Prince Williams Forest Park
Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation
VOF PATC Agreement
Wolf Trap National Park for the Preforming Arts

Agreement between the US DoI NPS Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania NMP the PATC

Agreement between the Manassas NBP and the PATC

Agreements in West Virginia

Volunteer Service Agreement

George Washington and Jefferson National Forest    

Job Hazards

    FS JHA Fieldwork
    FS JHA Hand Trail Tool Maintenance
    FS JHA Machinery
    FS JHA Motor Vehicle Operation
    FS JHA Paints Stains Solvents
    FS JHA Trash-Garbage Removal
    FS JHA Treated Wood and Preservatives
    FS JHA Using Hand Tools
    FS JHA Waste (Privy) Mgt
    FS JHA Electric Shop Tools
    FS JHA Leaf Blower Operation
    FS JHA Making Public Contact
    FS JHA Portable Gas Generator
    FS JHA Riding Mower Operations
    FS JHA String Trimmer and Brush Cutter Operation

Volunteer Project & Emergency Response Plan
Tailgate Safety Blank Form
Combined Agreement with Attachment 

Instructionsfor the OF301a and OF301b Form
OF-301a Individual Volunteer Service Agreement, OF-301b Group Volunteer Sign-Up Form     

Shenandoah National Park Agreement   

Maintainer-Only Documents

  1. SNP301a Volunteer Agreement
    SNP301b Group Volunteer Signup
    Accessing Skyline Drive
    SNP Emergency Alert System
    SNP Lock Box Radio SOP - Radio Use Sheet
    Site Safety Plan
    SNP Trails Standard
    JHA-Backcountry Travel Parkwide
    JHA-Chainsaw Operation Parkwide
    JHA-Clearing Blowdowns with Axes and Handsaws
    JHA-Trls-1_Cross Cut Saw
    JHA-Trls-2_Veg Maint Hand Tools
    JHA-Trls-3_Power Weeder
    PD-Trail Mtx
    Ticks Parkwide
    Working around Biting and stinging insects
    Working around Snakes

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